[xsl] Re: U+ conversion to Unicode characters

Subject: [xsl] Re: U+ conversion to Unicode characters
From: "M V" <htmlhack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 03 Nov 2003 11:07:57 -0500
If anyone can offer guidance on this it would be greatly appreciated. I know encoding questions are very common, and are oftentimes answered in the FAQ, but I can't seem to find anything on how to handle this type of instance.

I've tested a few instances with an XSL conversion using UTF-8, for example & # x0061;& # x02DB, and the charcters display separately -- lowercase a followed by an ogonek. The behavior seems perfectly logical, but I was expecting (hoping for) something different -- lowercase a with an ogonek attached ( or & # x00105;).

Many thanks,

I'm getting some XML documents that use U+ notation ready for browser display so I'm converting the notation -- U+0107 to & # x0107;.

Things were moving along fine until I ran into U+0065+U+02DB sequence (and many others like it) in a document on Poland.

Is the "proper" way to convert these instances to just run the converted Unicode characters together and drop the middle +? Will these characers display properly if an XSLT encodes the document as ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8?

Many thanks,

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