[xsl] XSL:FO - Changing Static Content depending on context

Subject: [xsl] XSL:FO - Changing Static Content depending on context
From: "Don Berendsen" <donberendsen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2003 08:55:37 +0800
I have to produce a report where the static content on each page is dependant on the context.

Refering to the XML structure below:

Each TemplateCategory must start on a new page. The static content for that page and the subsequent pages for the TemplateCategory flow content must contain the information in the CommonPageHeader and TemplateCategoryHeader for that TemplateCategory. To display the static information the TemplateColumn and ScoresSectionHeading elements must be counted and displayed.

The flow content consists of the Subjects and TemplateRowPoints.numbers.

I can't get the static content to contain only the data from the current TemplateCategory, it always counts and displays the TemplateColumn and ScoresSectionHeading elements from the whole document.

Refering to the sample XML the header on the first page should contain ESSENTIAL and columns with Takes Initiative, Judgement, Suitability, Performance and Overall followed by the flow content for 'test, two', 'test, five', and 'test, eleven' within the ESSENTIAL category.

Then a page break and a header containing DESIRABLE and columns for Optimistic, Influencing, Pressure Tolerance Suitability, Performance and Overall followed by the flow content for 'test, two', 'test, five', and 'test, eleven' within the DESIRABLE category.

How can I get the static area to contain only the data relevant to the current TemplateCategory?

How do I get the flow area to have a page break at the end of each TemplateCategory? When the existing XSL below is applied the flow content includes the data from both TemplateCategories without a page break between them.

I feel I'm missing something very fundamental here but have been unable to find an answer. I can change the structure of the XML if needed to obtain the desired output structure.

Any help would be greatly appreciated



-------------------------- XSL ------------------------------

<fo:page-sequence master-name="basicPSM">

	<!-- =================================================	-->
	<!--              Setup header Details			-->
	<!-- =================================================	-->
	<fo:static-content flow-name="xsl-region-before">
			<xsl:apply-templates select="CommonPageHeader"/>
			<xsl:call-template name="PageHeaderDetail"/>
	<!-- =================================================	-->
	<!--              Calls content template				-->
	<!-- =================================================	-->
	<fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
			<xsl:call-template name="ReportContent"/>

	<xsl:template name="PageHeaderDetail">
			<!-- Fixed blank column -->

<!-- Create the columns for the trait score -->

column-width="{$ColWidth * count(TemplateColumnCategoryPageHeader/ColumnHeader/TemplateColumn) }pt"

<!-- Create the columns for the scores -->

column-width="{$ColWidth * count(TemplateColumnCategoryPageHeader/ScoresSection/ScoresSectionHeading) }pt"

<!-- Create the Trait description cells -->

<xsl:for-each select= "TemplateColumnCategoryPageHeader/ColumnHeader">
<xsl:call-template name="OutputCell">
<xsl:with-param name="content" select="TemplateColumnCategory.name"/>
<xsl:call-template name="OutputCell">
<xsl:with-param name="content" select="TemplateColumnCategoryPageHeader/ScoresSection/ScoresSection.label"/>

<!-- Start of Report Content									-->
	<!-- ==========================================================	-->
	<xsl:template name="ReportContent">

			<!-- ==================================================	-->
			<!-- Create a column for the Profilee name				-->
			<!-- ==================================================	-->

<!-- ================================================== -->
<!-- Create the columns for the scores -->
<!-- ================================================== -->
<xsl:apply-templates select="TemplateColumnCategoryPageHeader/ColumnHeader"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="TemplateColumnCategoryPageHeader/ScoresSection"/>

	 		<!-- ==================================================	-->
			<!-- Create the table body and add the Profilee's		-->
			<!-- ==================================================	-->
				<xsl:apply-templates select="TemplateColumnCategory/Subject" />
	    <fo:block break-after="page" />
		<fo:block space-after="5mm" />

-------------------- the structure of the XML is -----------------------------------

----------------------------------- example XML with content ------------------

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE DataStructure>
<Document.title>GROUP REPORT</Document.title>
<ProfileFactor.name>Takes Initiative</ProfileFactor.name>
<ProfileFactor.name>Judgment (strategic)</ProfileFactor.name>
<ScoresSectionHeading>HA Suitability</ScoresSectionHeading>
<Profilee.name>test, two</Profilee.name>
<Profilee.name>test, five</Profilee.name>
<Profilee.name>test, eleven</Profilee.name>
<ProfileFactor.name>Pressure Tolerance</ProfileFactor.name>
<ScoresSectionHeading>HA Suitability</ScoresSectionHeading>
<Profilee.name>test, two</Profilee.name>
<Profilee.name>test, five</Profilee.name>
<Profilee.name>test, eleven</Profilee.name>

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