RE: [xsl] Using Javascript function in XSL causes HTML to be parsed into normal text

Subject: RE: [xsl] Using Javascript function in XSL causes HTML to be parsed into normal text
From: "Nik Coughlin" <nrkn@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 08:39:53 +1300
>At what point is the XSL parsing the contents of <content> and
>replacing all of the < and > symbols in the HTML as lt; and gt;
>symbols?  How do I stop it from doing this?  Why is it doing it in
>the function when it didn't do it in the onclick?

Reduced to answering my own questions.  :p

In case anyone else runs into the same thing, what I needed to do was

<xsl:value-of select='normalize-space($content)'
disable-output-escaping='yes' />

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