[xsl] Import XSL Files inside a JAR

Subject: [xsl] Import XSL Files inside a JAR
From: "Gerson Mizuta Weiss" <weiss@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 17:38:41 -0200
	I have a JAR that have many XSL files, some XSL files import others XSL, just like this:

	<!--  Parent.xsl   -->
	<xsl:stylesheet ...
	    <xsl:import href="AAA2BBB.xsl"/>
	    <xsl:import href="BBB2AAA.xsl"/>

	The problem is :	
		I would like to get the the Parent.XSL like an StreamSource created from the method Class.getResourceAsStream("Parent.XSL") : InputStream.
		I can do this, but how can I reference the others XSL files (that are also inside the JAR) in the import tags of Parent.XSL???

	Thanks a lot!!!!

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