[xsl] nested xsl:choose?

Subject: [xsl] nested xsl:choose?
From: "Arouza, Kevin" <karouza@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 13:55:23 -0800

Does XALAN support nested xsl:choose statements like this...

    <xsl:when test.....>
         --- other statements ---
                   <xsl:when test....>
                        --- other statements ---
                        --- other statements ---

I am getting the following error: 
[Fatal Error] test.xslt:91:11: The element type "xsl:otherwise" must be
terminated by the matching end-tag "</xsl:otherwise>".  I have verified that
all tags have matching end tags and they are all nested at the correct
level.  Is this a bug in the XSLT processor or is this type of nesting

Thanks much.

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