Re: RE: [xsl] Check if text is before an tag or not

Subject: Re: RE: [xsl] Check if text is before an tag or not
From: "Sebastien deprez" <sebastien.deprez@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed 12 Nov 2003 13:20:59 +0100
I didn't change the XML, don't worry :-). The main boss of the library did, cause things weren't correct (the guys before us changed the XML, he said, and he hadn't seen it)... well anyway...

Jup, I want to process the nodes in orde of appearance, but the only problem is that there is normal text and tags together. I mean, in the example shown, you see that there is a <name>-tag, then text, then again name-tag and then again text. The name tags have to be clickable (javascript function I use). Forgot to tell this one, sorry.

 xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>It's a big project, and you're changing the XML a bit when the project
>is nearly done?
>You seem to want to process the nodes in the order in which they appear
>in the source document. I'm having trouble understanding why that's a
>problem. It's what  does by default.
>Michael Kay
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: owner-xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>> [mailto:owner-xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of 
>> Sebastien deprez
>> Sent: 12 November 2003 11:42
>> To: XSL-List@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Subject: [xsl] Check if text is before an tag or not
>> Hey,
>> I have a problem with my XSL. I'm currently working on a big 
>> project for the royal library in Spain. I have an XML 
>> document with all the inventory's of a book. Here's a small 
>> piece where the biggest problem exists:
>>   Séneca 
>>   y 
>>    role="author">Cicerón 
>>   en castellano de los oficios 
>> The problem:
>> On my webpage I need to show the title of the book, with the 
>> author too (all as one title). Not such a problem mainly... 
>> but: If the -tag comes before the actual title, it 
>> should show the author first (ex: Séneca), otherwise it 
>> should show the title first. (ex: Cicerón, en castellano de 
>> los oficios). The above example of an XML is the hardest one: 
>> here is should show: 'Sénéca y Cicerón, en castellano de los ofic
>> I really don't have any clue how to do this one, really.
>> My project is mostly done, but my boss told us he changed the 
>> xml a bit :-s. And within a week everything must be done over again!
>> Thanks alot!
>> friendly greetings
>> Sebastien Deprez
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