Re: Re: [xsl] Check if text is before an tag or not

Subject: Re: Re: [xsl] Check if text is before an tag or not
From: "Sebastien deprez" <sebastien.deprez@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu 13 Nov 2003 09:48:02 +0100
Hi Jeni (and other helpers),

thanks alot for your help!!

everything works just perfect now!
And... I have still another week left...whiiii...

This worked (if other people like to know how it works):
<xsl:template match="title">
  <xsl:apply-templates />

<xsl:template match="name">
  <xsl:variable name="nrEntrada"
                select="ancestor::itemInv/@n" />
  <a href="JavaScript:authorWindow('{$inventario}',{$nrEntrada});"
    <xsl:value-of select="." />

<xsl:template match="title/text()[1]">
  <xsl:value-of select="." />
  <xsl:if test="following-sibling::name"> - </xsl:if>

<xsl:template match="title/text()[last()]">
  <xsl:if test="preceding-sibling::name"> - </xsl:if>
  <xsl:value-of select="." />

And indeed, like you said whitespace and punctuation is a matter for the XML-editor itself. I'll tell him :-D.

To bad I don't know you, but I'd buy you all a drink!

Thanks alot!!!

Sebastien Deprez

ps: the $inventario is a parameter given to the xsl, so nothing to worry about ;-).
it's the inventory-nummer (cause there are more then one ;-))
 xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>Hi Sebastien,
>> XML:
>>      fol. 13v 
>>      Séneca 
>>      y 
>>      Cicerón 
>>       en castellano de los oficios 
>> The output should be:
>> Séneca y Cicerón - de los oficios
>It's not clear how this output is derivable from the XML that you've
>given above. How do you know to only output "de los oficios" and not
>"en castellano de los oficios"?
>The obvious output from the above XML is:
>  Séneca y Cicerón en casstellano de los oficios
>(with the names clickable). You can get this with something like:
>(Note that I'm not sure where the value of $inventario comes from.)
>It sounds as though you want a hyphen to be added after the first text
>node in  if it's got a following  sibling, and before the
>last text node in  if it's got a preceding  sibling. You
>can do this with the following two templates:
>   - 
>   - 
>This will give you (roughly):
>  Séneca y Cicerón - en casstellano de los oficios
>(Personally I think it's good practice to have mixed content contain
>exactly the punctuation and whitespace that you want to have, rather
>than letting it be added by a stylesheet later. Rules for adding
>punctuation and whitespace in mixed content are horrible to maintain.)
>Jeni Tennison
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