RE: [xsl] Sablotron and PHP

Subject: RE: [xsl] Sablotron and PHP
From: "Andreas L. Delmelle" <a_l.delmelle@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 09:13:21 +0100
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cas Tuyn
> I have been wondering lately, reading messages about Saxon and
> XSLT2 whether
> I, like you, are on an island and the rest of the world uses
> saxon. Is there
> any overview of XSLT processors and their marketshare? There is safety in
> numbers.

Hmmm... the term 'market-share' seems a bit irrelevant here, since, for
example saxon and xalan are open-sourced free software... You could try and
measure their use by the number of times they've been downloaded or the
number of subscribers to their respective user-lists (but in these numbers,
I'm afraid there's no safety at all - different people can download multiple
copies & not *all* users subscribe to user-lists.)

If you really want 'safe' numbers in this matter, you'd have to have a poll,
and state clearly that everyone whose response is not received will be --
shot! (or maybe we could just deprive them of their computer, which will be
motivating enough for many of us... ;) )



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