RE: [xsl] XHTML Output

Subject: RE: [xsl] XHTML Output
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 00:16:30 GMT
> Maybe Microsoft will introduce XHTML as a valid method in a future
> release... Maybe not

It wouldnt be conformant to the XSKT 1 spec to have an "xhtml" output
method, although an implementation could add some name in their own
namepsace that produced xhtml.

XSLT 2 drafts (should MS ever implement it) do specify an xhtml outputmethod.

Note that the standard xml output method makes perfectly good xhtml. The
main thing an xhtml method would do is try to follow the "compatibility
appendix" of xhtml 1.0 to make xhtml work on legacy html systems.
(a dubious practice, relying on lax error reporting from teh browsers
html parser)



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