[xsl] Re: Style Sheet Editor Recommendations

Subject: [xsl] Re: Style Sheet Editor Recommendations
From: yguaba@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 13:42:41 -0200
Hello Constantin, 

On 18 Nov 2003 at 2:30, Constantin Vasiliu wrote: 

> I would like to buy a style sheet editor. I have used the free Cooktop
> and also Altova's XMLSpy for the 30 day trial period. I liked XMLSpy
> better (of course, given the price difference:), but was wondering if
> there is a better option out there before I shell $400 at it. 

I personally felt restricted by XMLSpy's stylesheet editor. It 
doesn't do lots of things that  you can do when editing your 
stylesheet by hand, so it's really more useful for people  who need 
fairly simple stylesheets geared towards generating HTML.  

I've tried out lots of different editors with various different 
degrees of "WYSIWYGiness"  and now use jEdit, a free editor available 
for just about every OS out there. Using jEdit's  plug-in manager you 
can easily install a bunch of very useful add-ons. The XSLT plug-in  
(also free) comes with an XSLT processor, does code completion, 
evaluates XPath  expressions etc. Really a great editor, and the 
price just can't be beaten. Check out  http://www.jedit.org .  



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