[xsl] Formatting white space with xslt

Subject: [xsl] Formatting white space with xslt
From: Olmec Sinclair <olmec@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 07:45:58 +1300
I have an issue I have been looking at for a while.

Imagine the following XML

	<item itemId="0" value="line1

The content in the value attribute is saved from a textarea field in an HTML 
form and is returned in XML as shown above.

When I try and access the data in the value attribute with value-of select all 
white space is stripped and all lines are shown on a single line.

Any ideas?

Many thanks


Olmec Sinclair
doLithe Internet
 e  |  olmec@xxxxxxxxxxx
 p  |  0508 50 51 50
 w  |  www.dolithe.com
 m  |  021 0459791

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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