RE: [xsl] Lookup efficiency in XALAN vs. Saxon

Subject: RE: [xsl] Lookup efficiency in XALAN vs. Saxon
From: Wendell Piez <wapiez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 11:06:25 -0500

Unfortunately I can't take you further on this since I've never run into the particular problem. It sounds at this point like a Xalan problem, or a problem with your installation (which might be easily fixed).

Xalan has a list; they could undoubtedly say better. (They will need to know more details of your installation.) This kind of thing isn't really uncommon, so an answer is probably known.

As for whether Saxon fares better: it's easy enough to try, and an excellent idea.

Good luck,

ps, note that a bit from my post from yesterday doesn't make sense if you scrutinize it:

<xsl:for-each select="$keyfile">
   <xsl:when test="not(key('keys-by-id', $id))">...</xsl:when>

Of course the entire <xsl:choose> would have to be inside the for-each, and may have to be emended accordingly (since its context node is different from the main template's).

What Mike suggested, binding a flag to a variable, is a workaround for that.

Cheers, W

At 07:07 PM 11/20/2003, you wrote:
        thanks for the two ideas.... Unfortunately...

        using a variable, allow it to die much earlier (after 30 records)
with the same
        "(Location of error unknown)XSLT Error (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError):

        and the second method (with xsl:key) died before processing any
records, again with the same
        "(Location of error unknown)XSLT Error (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError):

        does Saxon or any other xslt processors deal with this simple table
lookup any better?


"Thus I make my own use of the telegraph, without consulting
the directors, like the sparrows, which I perceive use it
extensively for a perch." -- Thoreau

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