[xsl] Sibling in the Pattern(match)

Subject: [xsl] Sibling in the Pattern(match)
From: Dongling Ding <dling61@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 18:27:47 -0800 (PST)

I want to perform a filering out transformation to a
source file. I copy most things, but leave out specfic

The left out part can be done like this:

<xsl:template match="execluded-nodes">
"do nothing"

<xsl:template match="child::Member[@name ='acc1']"/>

There is a problem with this approach. It seems like
you only can specify "child" or "attribute" in the
match pattern.

What can I do if I want to execlude all the nodes
having the same level as a selected nodel?

For example, the selected node is "acc11", all the
nodes having the same level like "acc12", "acc31", and
"acc32" will be also included

What can I do if I want to execlude all the sibling
nodes of a selected node?

For example, the selected node is "acc11", the "acc12"
will be also included".

Is there any good thought on this? Thanks


(Source XML File)
<Member comment="" name="acc1">
		<Member comment="" name="acc11">
			<Member name="account3_1"/>
		<Member comment="" name="acc12">
			<Member name="account3_1"/>
	<Member comment="" name="acc2">
	<Member comment="" name="acc3">
		<Member comment="" name="acc31">
		<Member comment="" name="acc32">

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