[xsl] Trimming the xsl code

Subject: [xsl] Trimming the xsl code
From: Ram <sram_30@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 01:46:11 -0800 (PST)
Can anyone help me out in trimming my xsl code to get the deisred output?
The input xml is:

     group a_Interface {
       // Signature definition
       signature a_<signature>DNSQuery1(in long ant)
                                         return iso8859string;
    group b_Interface {
       // Signature definition
       signature b_<signature>DNSQuery2(inout string grass) 
                                          return long;
    group c_Interface {
      // Signature definition
      signature c_<signature>DNSQuery3(out boolean fish)
                                       return boolean;
     group d_Interface {
        // Signature definition
       signature d_<signature>DNSQuery3(out long cricket)
                   return short;

The xsl:

<xsl:output method="text" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:key name="GroupByIdentifier" match="group" use="identifier[1]"/>

<xsl:template match="signature">
<xsl:variable name="CurrentGroupID" select="../identifier[1]"/>
<xsl:copy-of select="."/><xsl:text>
<xsl:if test="count(../identifier[2])>0">
signature <xsl:value-of select="$CurrentGroupID"/>_<xsl:
apply-templates select="key('GroupByIdentifier',../identifier
<xsl:template match="node()|@*">
<xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>

 gives the output:

group a_Interface {
  // Signature definition
  signature a_DNSQuery1(in long ant)
                   return iso8859string;
group b_Interface {
  // Signature definition
  signature b_DNSQuery2(inout string grass)
                  return long;
  signature b_DNSQuery1(in long ant)
                  return iso8859string;
group c_Interface {
  // Signature definition
  signature c_DNSQuery3(out boolean fish)
                  return boolean;
  signature c_DNSQuery2(inout string grass)
                  return long; 
  signature b_DNSQuery1(in long ant)
                  return iso8859string;
group d_Interface {   
   // Signature definition 
   signature d_DNSQuery3(out long cricket)
                    return short; 
   signature d_DNSQuery3(out boolean fish)
                    return boolean; 
   signature c_DNSQuery2(inout string grass)
                    return long; 
   signature b_DNSQuery1(in long ant)
                    return iso8859string;  

  What I need to do is, I should remove the identifiers a, ba, cb and dc
which are generated before the group "X_Interface". And, I've to get the
current group's identifier[1]_<xsl:apply-templates  
for all the signatures that belong to the same group. For example, in the
last group the output should be,
group d_Interface {
   // Signature definition
  signature d_DNSQuery3(out long cricket)
       return short;
  signature d_DNSQuery3(out boolean fish)
      return boolean;
  signature d_DNSQuery2(inout string grass)
     return long;
  signature d_DNSQuery1(in long ant)
    return iso8859string;
Can anyone find what is wrong with the xsl?

Thanks and regards,

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