[xsl] Build hierarchies

Subject: [xsl] Build hierarchies
From: "Steven Lloyd" <stevenl@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 10:36:08 +0000
Does anyone have thoughts on the suitability of xslt/techniques for transforming non-nested structures to nested ones? e.g.
Given input such as:

<para role="h1">Text</para>
{deleted stuff...}
<para role="h1">

produce output such as:

<para role="h1"><para>Text</para>
{deleted stuff...}

...where the appearance of the second <para role="h1"> effectively marks the closure of the preceeding one.

-- Steve Lloyd, XML Developer-Editorial Production Dept. International Baccalaureate Organisation Tel: +44 29 2054 7869 FAX: +44 29 2054 7778

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