Subject: Re: [xsl] Performance tuning in msxsl/msxml !! From: Dipesh Khakhkhar <dkhakhkh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 15:57:11 -0500 |
Hi Mike, Thanks for replying and addressing the issue. I will try to ask Microsoft MSXML news group about the same. Thanks for suggesting that. The route which you have suggested, sounds good. Can you please tell me more about that. Which language i should use if i don't use MSXSL at all. Because i tried to use other processor but for me and my stylesheet i found that MSXSL was best cosidering performance as the most important parameter. But my input files are more than 20 MB all the time and i have to load them 14 times to get 14 different outputs from the same xml. I was thinking to fire 7 processes simultaneously so that i will get comparitively good performance. In some sense i got success in this but not much. I am using xsl:key element to get unique elements within one particular node and that node is repeated many times. How do i tune that ? I am not using // for any search and no white spaces also. Thanks for answering my query. Regards, Dipesh Dipesh, If you're using the msxsl command line processor, then there's no way to keep a document in memory since you're running down and starting up the program for each separate transformation. I don't know of any way to tune either msxsl or the MSXML that it relies upon other than using general Windows performance tuning techniques. However, you might want to post a question about MSXSML tuning to the Microsoft MSXML newsgroup. I think your best route, if think that you need to do these successive transformations, is not to use msxsl at all but instead to write your own program that would keep the source and transformed result documents as DOM document objects in memory, then write them out to disk when all of the transformations are complete. To learn how to do this you might look at the msxsl source code and the transformNodeToObject method. Mike XSL-List info and archive:
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