RE: [xsl] parent node ??

Subject: RE: [xsl] parent node ??
From: "Markus Hanel" <markus.hanel@xxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 12:19:16 +0100 (MET)
Thank you,
if it is not possible to select all valid inputs that have the same string
value of their parent, is it possible to select the solution tag with a few
<solution valid_input_00="Inhalt" valid_input_01="Inhalt1"
valid_input_02="Inhalt2" ...>Inhalt</solution>
My problem is to count how many valid_inputs have the same string value as
the solution tag.

> > 
> > xml 
> > <solution>Inhalt<valid_input>Inhalt</valid_input><valid_input>
> > Inhalt_1</valid_input></solution>
> > 
> > xsl
> > <xsl:variable name="total" 
> > select="count(solution/valid_input[parent::solution = 
> > self::valid_input])" />
> > 
> If you are trying to count all the valid_input elements you just need 
>   count(solution/valid_input)
> If you are only trying to count some of them, you will need to explain
> which ones, because your predicate is completely bizarre: it selects
> those valid_input elements that have the same string value as their
> parent node.
> Michael Kay
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