Re: [xsl] Problem with position( ) function

Subject: Re: [xsl] Problem with position( ) function
From: Manolis Mavrikis <M.Mavrikis@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2003 03:29:29 +0000 (UTC)
I am not sure what you are trying to do as your JavaScript and what you 
are showing the xslt to generate seems different but I assume you want to 
haver these ACT_DES_COR data there but then your foramt seems very 

Anyway this is not the issue and maybe you don't want/can't change it but 
still I think you over-complicated the matter a lot. Unless you are trying 
to do as well with the template <xsl:template 
match="actividades/ROWSET/ROW">  then I think that (assuming that this is 
waht you want to do)  you just have to call a template when you want to 
construct the array:

Array(<xsl:call-templates select="actividades-indexing"><xsl:with-param 
name="agr_id" select="AGR_ID" /></xsl:call-template>)

<xsl:template name="actividades-indexing">
  <xsl:param name="agr_id" />
  <xsl:for-each select="/yourroot/actividates/ROWSET/ROW[ACT_AGR_ID = 
	'<xsl:value-of select="position()"/>|<xsl:value-of 
select="ACT_DES_COR" />'
           <xsl:if test = "position() &lt; last()">,</xsl:if>

I am sorry I cannot test it at the moment but it seems consistent with 
what you want to do. 


p.s. btw I don't know what you want to do with these data assigned in 
the Arrays but in a similiar case I used JavaScript 'hashmaps' to assign things 
into and then when I needed to call them i just refered to them with 
their id

On Thu, 27 Nov 2003, Jaime A Stuardo Bahamondes wrote:

       Hi all..
       I have this piece of XML:
           <ROW id="1">
             <ACT_FEC_ING>27-11-2003 09:43:32</ACT_FEC_ING>
             <ACT_DES_LAR>Finanzas, Impuestos y Política Monetaria</ACT_DES_LAR>
             <ACT_DES_COR>Finanzas, Impuestos y Política Monetaria</ACT_DES_COR>
           <ROW id="2">
             <ACT_FEC_ING>27-11-2003 09:43:31</ACT_FEC_ING>
             <ACT_DES_LAR>Gobierno en General, Municipalidades</ACT_DES_LAR>
             <ACT_DES_COR>Gobierno en General, Municipalidades</ACT_DES_COR>
           <ROW id="1">
             <AGR_FEC_MOD>14-11-2003 11:22:04</AGR_FEC_MOD>
             <AGR_DES_LAR>Administración Publica</AGR_DES_LAR>
             <AGR_DES_COR>Administración Publica</AGR_DES_COR>
           <ROW id="2">
             <AGR_FEC_ING>18-11-2003 11:34:08</AGR_FEC_ING>
       I'm programming an XSL that generates a JavaScript this way:
       var actividades = new Array(2);	// 2 "agrupaciones"
       actividades[0] = new Array(6, 1);	// 6 and 1 are "actividades" corresponding to "agr_id" = 1
       actividades[1] = new Array(7,9,15);	// 7, 9 and 15 are "actividades" corresponding to "agr_id" = 2 (not shown in XML above)
       and so on.
       I programmed this XSL:
       <xsl:template match="agrupaciones/ROWSET/ROW">
         actividades[<xsl:value-of select="position()-1"/>] = new Array(<xsl:apply-templates select="../../../actividades/ROWSET/ROW"><xsl:with-param name="agr_id"><xsl:value-of select="AGR_ID" /></xsl:with-param></xsl:apply-templates>)
       <xsl:template match="actividades/ROWSET/ROW">
         <xsl:param name="agr_id" />
         <xsl:if test="ACT_AGR_ID = $agr_id">'<xsl:value-of select="position()" />|<xsl:value-of select="ACT_DES_COR" />'<xsl:if test = "position() &lt; last() ">,</xsl:if></xsl:if>
       The problem I have is that the following is generated by those templates:
       actividades[0] = new Array(6,1,);		// realize about the last "comma"
       actividades[1] = new Array(7,9,15,);
       To avoid that, I placed the condition position() &lt; last(), but I realized that position( ) isn't resetted by each iteration of the template. Any help on this?
       And other question. I have placed all the xsl instructions on the same line because if I write the xsl more readable, empty lines are inserted in the generated JavaScript. Is it possible to solve it?
       Thanks in advance
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