RE: [xsl] xslt 2.0 challenge

Subject: RE: [xsl] xslt 2.0 challenge
From: "Willink, Ed" <Ed.Willink@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 14:58:04 +0100
> After all that has been said about xpath 2.0, I'm not sure 
> which is more
> readable...

Using <> resolves the quotes and brackets
levels of readability:
(After automated XSLT to NiceXSL translation, I had to manually prettify the
since whitespace is preserved in converted XPaths.)

stylesheet version="2.0" {
    match(/) {
        variable spanspec := /table/tgroup/spanspec;
        <!-- constucts a sequence of the two colspecs, note the 'as' -->
        variable first : element()+ {
            sequence (/table//colspec[(preceding-sibling::colspan[@colname =
following-sibling::colspan[@colname = $spanspec/@nameend])
                                       or @colname = $spanspec/@namest
                                       or @colname = $spanspec/@nameend]);
        <!-- sums the columns specified by the start and end column
         by the total number of columns, and then
         formats it to two decimal places
         and concats on a percentage symbol -->
        value-of (concat(string(format-number(
           (sum(for $x in $first/@colwidth return
            div sum(for $x in $first/../colspec/@colwidth return
number(translate($x,'m','')))) * 100,

A more plausible implementation should factor the XPaths using intermediate
or stylesheet functions, so that each XPath line is naturally one reasonable
length line.
This will raise the line count slightly but give some nice names to the

		Ed Willink

E.D.Willink,                             Email: mailto:EdWillink@xxxxxxx
Thales Research and Technology (UK) Ltd, Tel:  +44 118 923 8278 (direct)
Worton Drive,                            or  +44 118 986 8601 (ext 8278)
Worton Grange Business Park,             Fax:  +44 118 923 8399
Reading,   RG2 0SB

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