[xsl] Testing node immediately following in mixed content

Subject: [xsl] Testing node immediately following in mixed content
From: Ryan Graham <Ryan.Graham@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 15:20:35 -0700
Hi all,

It may be that it is late Friday, but for the life of me, I cannot seem to
get the following template to output a comma when the node immediately
following the context node is a certain type.  Maybe my XPath is wrong?

I basically want to split "back-to-back" xref's with a comma (simulating
multiple footnote references). My output is HTML.

Sample xml (that needs comma seperation):

<para>Some filler text
	<xref linkend="burnc01-note-0001"/>
	<xref linkend="burnc01-note-0002"/>
completing the paragraph.</para>

Sample xml (that doesn't need a comma added)

<para>Some filler text
	<xref linkend="burnc02-note-0006"/> 
	some more filler text	
	<xref linkend="burnc02-note-0007"/>

Stylesheet snippet:

<xsl:template match="para">

<xsl:template match="xref">
	<a href="{concat('#',@linkend)}"><sup><xsl:value-of
	<xsl:if test="name(following-sibling::node()[1]) = 'xref'">

XmlSpy's xPath evaluator tells me that this is sound logic, but using Saxon,
I can't get the comma in the output.


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