Re: [xsl] Elements just before/after the current one

Subject: Re: [xsl] Elements just before/after the current one
From: Nicolas Pillot <nicolas.pillot@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 14:50:11 -0400
Selon Nicolas Pillot <nicolas.pillot@xxxxxxxxxx>:

>   I have a problem, as you can guess. I am struggling to find the element
>   that is just before, and the element just after the current one.

 Well, i feel stupid now. I just spent time posting this question,
 and i found the answer by refining my search on google.

 Here is how it could be done :

 n-th previous element is preceding-sibling::*[n]
 so element just before current is preceding-sibling::*[1]
 n-th next element is following-sibling::*[n]
 so element just after current is following-sibling::*[1]

 Sorry for the inconvenience of these two posts.

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