Re: [xsl] Problems generating w-circumflex character for HTML output

Subject: Re: [xsl] Problems generating w-circumflex character for HTML output
From: Niclas Hedhman <niclas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 18:24:44 +0800
On Friday 13 August 2004 18:11, Gordon Ross wrote:
> As I said, when I manually enter the HTML code &wcirc; into an HTML
> document, it shows up fine then.

Is this file stored on the local system, or delivered by some http server?

I have noticed that quite often, browsers when receiving the content from 
servers, are using ISO-8859-1 instead of whatever you throw in the document. 
I suggest you change the encoding to that,

  /        /
 / / 

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