Re: [xsl] Newbie Problem

Subject: Re: [xsl] Newbie Problem
From: Mike Trotman <mike.trotman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 12:23:56 +0100
I think you're failing to retrieve the <fristName> you expect because <xsl:for-each> has changed the current context to be your result-tree fragemtn - rather than a node in the document.

One normal solution to this is to define a variable containing a node from your input document before you enter the <xsl:for-each> loop.
<xsl variable name='docroot' select='/wi:root'/>

and then use this variable to retrieve your desired <firstName>.

<td><xsl:value-of select="$docroot/changeLog/log[@id = $cID]/@firstName" /></td>

I haven't tried this using a for-each loop on a node-set but it should work.
I'm never sure of the differences in the implementation of node-set in different processors.
I have some style sheets using node-set that work fine under some XSLT processors - but just throw errors under others.



Keyur K wrote:

Hello List,

I have a problem, I am not able to access any nodes/values from a Loop.

I have a sorted result tree fragment in a variable, I am using msxsl node-set to loop through it.
Now when I need to access the other nodes of the document I am not able to do so.

Pl. see below for the partial xsl and xml code. I have put two comments in the xsl file one where I need the external node values but not able to retrieve and second where I am able to retreive but do not need

How can I access the outer/external nodes inside the loop, I also tried using key() but it also didn't work inside the loop. It was working fine outside the loop.

P.S. This xsl code is a part of a bigger xsl file.

Any advice will be very helpful. Thanks in advance.

- Keyur

<!------------XSL Partial Code ------------>

<xsl:template match="//changes" mode="changeLog">

<!--firstName IS AVAILABLE HERE-->

<xsl:variable name="sortedList">
<xsl:for-each select="./old">
<xsl:sort select="@changeID" data-type="number" order="ascending"></xsl:sort>
<xsl:copy-of select="."></xsl:copy-of>

<xsl:for-each select="msxsl:node-set($sortedList)/old">
<xsl:variable name="cID"><xsl:value-of select="@changeID"></xsl:value-of></xsl:variable>


<td><xsl:value-of select="/wi:root/changeLog/log[@id = $cID]/@firstName" /></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="./text()" /></td>


<!------------XML Sample Code ------------>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="abc.xsl"?>

<wi:root xmlns:xsi=""; xmlns:wi="abcxyz">
cricket, music, dancing, singing
<old changeID="2">Hobbies</old>
<old changeID="4">cricket, music, dancing</old>
<old changeID="3">cricket, music</old>
<log id="1" userID="8" firstName="Teri" date="8/13/2004" />
<log id="2" userID="7" firstName="Matt" date="8/13/2004" />
<log id="3" userID="15" firstName="Stephen" date="8/13/2004" />
<log id="4" userID="26" firstName="Bob" date="8/13/2004" />

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