Re: AW: [xsl] simple conditional looping

Subject: Re: AW: [xsl] simple conditional looping
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 12:19:24 +0100
> maybe a silly question, but why exactly do you need the ()? something
> like //* with a predicate [] should be enough or not?

A predicate in an axis step just filters that step.

//*[position() &lt; 50]

is /descendent-or-self::node/child::*[position() &lt; 50]

so it gives you all element nodes in the document that have fewer than
49 older siblings.

On the other hand

(//*)[position() &lt; 50]

is (/descendent-or-self::node/child::*)[position() &lt; 50]

which gives you the first 49 element nodes in the document.


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