RE: [xsl] 2 way conversion between HTML / XHTML - WordML - XSL FO ? (Stylesheets or semi-complete or incomplete XSL Modules)

Subject: RE: [xsl] 2 way conversion between HTML / XHTML - WordML - XSL FO ? (Stylesheets or semi-complete or incomplete XSL Modules)
From: "Lincoln Mitchell" <lincoln@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 21:21:52 +0800
I have been using wordML as a content management tool and using xslt to
convert it to XHTML via Cocoon. Is this of use to you? If so I can post an



-----Original Message-----
From: SANWAL, ABHISHEK (HP-Houston) [mailto:abhishek.sanwal@xxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, 25 August 2004 7:22 AM
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [xsl] 2 way conversion between HTML / XHTML - WordML - XSL FO ?
(Stylesheets or semi-complete or incomplete XSL Modules)

I would like to be able to interconvert between HTML/XHTML - WordML and

Any XSL modules or ideas anyone can share would be great. More importantly
the priority is :

X HTML to WordML

Kindly advise. I seem to be able to find the reverse being applicable and


Abhishek Sanwal

Abhishek Sanwal
HP - Houston Campus

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