Re: [xsl] xsl grabbing specific data

Subject: Re: [xsl] xsl grabbing specific data
From: "cking" <cking@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 17:18:35 +0200
> Only question I have now is say
> that an xml has two identical trees, Like
> <xml>
>   <name value="dan">
>   <name value="dan">
> </xml>
> Is there a way to stop the duplicaes during the
> transform.

Do you mean duplicates in the original input, or
in the output, maybe generated from things like

  <file-acl name="C:\boot.ini">...</file-acl>
  <file-acl name="D:\boot.ini">...</file-acl>

I think that would require post-processing, which you could
do by storing everything in a global variable and then use 
exsl:node-set to filter out duplicates.

Duplicates in the original input you could probably filter out
with Muenchian Grouping.

Anton Triest

> I ran your transform and low and behold
> boot.ini came to my results like above. Once again
> thanks for the help.
> Dan Sherman

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