Re: [xsl] How show Chinese an Japanese fonts

Subject: Re: [xsl] How show Chinese an Japanese fonts
From: "J.Pietschmann" <j3322ptm@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 01:52:20 +0200
Yuri Shikalenko wrote:
The result is processed by apache FOP serializer included into Apache Cocoon.

I should provide national localization.

With most languages I have no problem.
I just include to pdf embeded fonts.

But not for Chinese and Japanese.

Adobe provide Open fonts from
but them doesn't work with my result pdf stream even in both case:
1) I don't include embeded fonts to stream 2) I don't include embeded fonts to stream and write name of font
"Adobe Ming Std Acro L" to fo:block/@font-family
Can anyone to help?

I can't interpret this.

FOP can't use fonts which aren't installed with Adobe font manager,
which probably includes the asian font pack installed with Acrobat
Reader. In any case, you have to provide font metrics to FOP.
Get appropiate TTF fonts and embed them. The PDF will probably grow
large, fuzzing around with the font in order to minimize unused
glyphs may be necessary if this is important.


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