Re: [xsl] attribute length

Subject: Re: [xsl] attribute length
From: Dimtre Novatchev <dnovatchev@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 07:38:31 +1000
You may want to look here:

The "str-split-to-words" template from FXSL can be used to achieve this.


Dimitre Novatchev

On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 17:28:46 -0400, Russ Little
<russ.little@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I am attempting to use logic to determine the length of an attribute, but I'm unable to find anything useful enough to work.
> If I have the following:
> <CAT NAM="This attribute is meant to be so extremely long that I must force it into multiple cells on a web page"/>
> What I want to do is take the NAM attribute, and put the first 35 characters into a cell.  Directly below it, I want to generate another cell with two spaces followed by the next 33 characters.  I want to generate a new cell directly below the previous one, every 33 characters after the initial 35, and each should have two spaces in front.  This basic logic would produce the following:
> This attribute is meant to be so ex
>  tremely long that I must force it
>  into multiple cells on a web page
> The tricky part is, once I count to 35 characters (or 33 depending on if it is the first cell or not), I need to verify the data is being separated at a space.  In the previous example, the word "extremely" is not separated smoothly.  The final result should actually be:
> This attribute is meant to be so
>  extremely long that I must force
>  it into multiple cells on a web
>  page
> How can I use logic to not only determine the length of the attribute, but depending upon that length, separate the data out into multiple cells on a web page?
> Russ Little
> Field Engineer

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