RE: [xsl] links don't work when IE transforms local XSL document

Subject: RE: [xsl] links don't work when IE transforms local XSL document
From: "Passin, Tom" <tpassin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2004 11:15:02 -0400
> From: Anton Triest [mailto:anton@xxxxxxxx]
> >What do you mean by "broken"?  Do you mean that the page looks right
> >nothing happens when you click on one of the links?  Or does the page
> >not look as expected?
> >
> >
> The page looks right, and when I hover the links, the status bar shows
> the correct URL
> (file:///C:/.../anchors.xsl#s2) but when I click on one of the links,
> shows its errorpage
> "The page cannot be displayed" with error msg "Cannot find server or
> Error"
> ...

> I have put a testcase online so everyone who wants can try it out
> (same stylesheet I already posted earlier):
> If you open these links in IE, the anchors work. But if you download
> files and display
> the local copies in IE, they are broken (except for test.xml: that one
> works, although
> it's exactly the same file as test.xsl, only the name is different).
> Apart from the broken
> links, the pages look perfectly correct (CSS styles included).

I can confirm the behavior you are reporting.  To test whether the
problem is associated with the ".xsl" extension, I changed the extension
to ".xml-xsl" on both the test and anchor files (and, of course, the
stylesheet PI). Same results. Sure seems like an IE bug.

I do have a solution though.  I tried a lot of combinations of
extensions, and when both the stylesheet and the test file had a ".xml"
extension, it worked as desired.  This is the only combination that did.

Then I changed the stylesheet PI in the anchors.xml file (nee
anchors.xsl) to point to itself, and bingo!  It works.  The stylesheet
displays itself and the links work.  And it still works in Firefox, too.


Tom P

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