RE: [xsl] Help me out on Removing the blankspaces from a textarea

Subject: RE: [xsl] Help me out on Removing the blankspaces from a textarea
From: <Jarno.Elovirta@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2004 10:08:04 +0300

> I have a problem in removing the blank spaces from the
> textarea in a  .xsl file.
> Problem description:
> Have to replace the @@@ and with a new line char ('\n')  in
> the textarea, I have used regEx ( JavaScript regular Expression)
> to replace the @@@ characters with a new line ('\n'),But I
> have noticed that a blank space gets appended at the end of
> the each line
> and hence makes the document unreadable.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------
> ----Original String (that comes from the Server) before
> display in to the textarea in .xsl file---
> .hello
> .abcd
> @@@E X A M P L E:2^
> @@@%description%
> @@@.notvoidksdfd@@@%description%||%price% %taxes:r2%
> @@@
> @@@
> @@@.notvoided,voidstatus=VOID,oad=regularasdfasdfa2^
> @@@E X A M P L E
> @@@.regularjsjs
> @@@
> @@@ E X A M P L E
> @@@%EXAMPLE DISCOUNTdescription
> @@@
> @@@.regularline EXAMPLE DISCOUNT
> @@@%EXAMPLE DISCOUNT description
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------
> At the end of each line an extra space gets added when I save
> the document and hence makes the document unreadable.
> Can anyone provide me with a solution to replace @@@ chars in
> the String before displaying into the textarea?

See FAQ <>.


Jarno - Kevin Energy: Hard Transin' 6

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