Re: [xsl] XPath Error

Subject: Re: [xsl] XPath Error
From: Dharm Baval <drm_xslt@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 03:55:35 -0800 (PST)
Thanks this really helped me. Can you let me know if I
use any other xslt processor(even with the older
version) will this work?

Regards and Thanks,

--- Geert Josten <Geert.Josten@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> > <xsl:variable name="myInfo">
> >         <xsl:copy-of select="/page/myinfo" />
> > </xsl:variable>
> If possible prefer the following:
>    <xsl:variable name="myInfo" select="/page/myinfo"
> />
> That way the myInfo variable contains a node set and
> not a document fragment. The upper version will 
> give an error when evaluating $myInfo/myinfo/@id.
> This is a limitation of XSLT 1. In XSLT 2 the 
> document fragment data type does not exist.
> If it is not possible to use the select attribute on
> xsl:variable (perhaps because you want to call 
> a separate template that gives a node set), you
> could resort to the node-set function, which is 
> supported by most implementations of XSLT 1.
> You could then use something like:
>    <xsl:variable name="id"
> select="exsl:node-set($myInfo)/myinfo/@id" />
> (Note: see for explanation on the
> extension functions, their use and availability in 
> implementations)
> Grtz,
> Geert
> -- 
> Geert.Josten@xxxxxxxxxxx
> IT-consultant at Daidalos BV, Zoetermeer (NL)
> tel:+31-(0)79-3316961
> fax:+31-(0)79-3316464
> GPG: 1024D/12DEBB50

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