[xsl] computed <xsl:apply-templates mode=

Subject: [xsl] computed <xsl:apply-templates mode=
From: robert frapples <oyenstikker@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004 13:49:24 -0500
I am <xsl:sort>ing elements and then using <xsl:apply-templates
select=".">.  I need to set the @mode attribute of
<xsl:apply-templates>, with a value from the XML.  As @mode takes a
qname, not an expression, I cannot reference a variable (set a
variable with <xsl:value-of> and call $var_name), reference a node (
self::node()/@my_attribute), or call a function (
current()/@my_attribute or id() or key() ).  Is there any way I can
accomplish this?


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