RE: [xsl] Different (body) layout on odd and even pages in XSL-FO?

Subject: RE: [xsl] Different (body) layout on odd and even pages in XSL-FO?
From: "Arun Sinha" <arunsinha666@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 10:20:17 +0000

My problem is that I want the images of the products on the outer edge of the page, that is, images of the products to the left on the left page (odd) and to the right on the right page (even). I have figured out that it perhaps is necessary to use some kind of multiple/alternative flow (which isn't supported in XSL-FO 1.0), or is it possible to it in some other way? Is there any workaround?

You can achieve it by defination of the following layout master.
What you need to do is to calling the static-contect and region-body with right flow-name.
Hope it helps.

page-height ="297mm"
page-width ="210mm"
margin-left ="2mm"
margin-right ="2mm">
<fo:region-body region-name="bodyodd" margin-top="118mm" margin-bottom="50mm" />
<fo:region-before region-name="headerodd" extent="116mm"/>
<fo:region-after region-name="footerodd" extent="48mm"/>

page-height ="297mm"
page-width ="210mm"
margin-left ="2mm"
margin-right ="2mm">
<fo:region-body region-name="bodyeven" margin-top="118mm" margin-bottom="50mm" />
<fo:region-before region-name="headereven" extent="116mm"/>
<fo:region-after region-name="footereven" extent="48mm"/>

<fo:page-sequence-master master-name="A4">
<fo:conditional-page-master-reference master-name="odd" blank-or-not-blank="any" odd-or-even="odd" />
<fo:conditional-page-master-reference master-name="even" blank-or-not-blank="any" odd-or-even="even" />




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