Re: [xsl] Recognized Unicode characters?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Recognized Unicode characters?
From: "Edward Bryant" <bryant_edward@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 09 May 2005 10:52:57 -0500
I had not thought about the font setting as being a potential problem. I had it set as the browser's default "times new roman." When I changed the font around in windows notepad I was able to view the em-dash, so I am assuming now that the font is the problem. I still get the box character under "arial" as well as "times new roman" (the seemingly two most popular).

So, this gets me back to an earlier post (where when I sought a way to ensure that a character was output as a character reference) I was advised not to worry about whether the XSLT processor decided to output a character entity or not (or at least that it shouldn't matter). I was trying to do this because I had heard that browser support for the char-refs was better than the native characters. Doesn't problems like this one show that it does matter?

Is there a particular browser-supported font I should be using?

Does this mean that my limited font choices will be further limited?

Setting the encoding to US-ASCII seems to be an agreeable solution, but when I set the encoding to "US-ASCII", I get a message that it is not supported (using insant saxon).

Can someone just tell me what settings (output, font, etc.) they would use when outputing html to be viewed by standard browsers?

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