Re: [xsl] test for grandparent

Subject: Re: [xsl] test for grandparent
From: Ragulf Pickaxe <ragulf.pickaxe@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 15:04:12 +0200
I believe that you could use such as:
<xsl:when test="ancestor::step[2]">
Remember that ancestor has reverse axis, see MK XSLT 2nd edition pp.
363-367 for axis descriptions (or another source).

For one with three or more step ancestors, you could use something like:
<xsl:count(ancestor::step)"/> for the number after your class.

This presumes that you don't have something like

Hope this helps
Ragulf Pickaxe :-)

> Is there something similar to <xsl:when test="grandparent::step"> or
> <xsl:when test="parent::parent::step">  ?
> Thanks,
> Cas

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