Re: [xsl] preceding axis and context switching (was re: configuring conditionals)

Subject: Re: [xsl] preceding axis and context switching (was re: configuring conditionals)
From: Bruce D'Arcus <bdarcus@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 31 May 2005 16:06:01 -0400
On 5/31/05, Wendell Piez <wapiez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> The only thing I can suggest here is that perhaps the xsl:value-of here
> does not return a Boolean value, as you appear to expect it to, but a
> string, which perhaps always casts to Boolean true() (because both the
> strings "true" and "false" have non-zero length). That's the way it would
> work in 1.0, and under value-of in Mike's XSLT 2.0 book it reads that the
> instruction "constructs a text node", which would seem to be similar.

Actually, I wasn't understanding how the preceding axis was working,
nor exactly how your posted code.  So I left out the position
conditional, which was the problem.  This works:

  <xsl:function name="bib:ibid" as="xs:boolean">
    <xsl:param name="citation" as="node()"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="$citation/db:biblioref/@linkend =


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