RE: [xsl] empty string parsed as float?

Subject: RE: [xsl] empty string parsed as float?
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 02:53:35 +0100
This is an XML Schema question not an XSLT question!

You can define the type of the element as a list data type that allows a
list of floats with minOccurs=0 and maxOccurs=1. Alternatively you could
define it as a union data type that's the union of a float and a zero-length

You could also define the type as "nillable", but then you would have to
flag an empty element with xsi:nil="true" 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gabriel K [mailto:gabriel.klappenbach@xxxxxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: 01 June 2005 21:09
> To: XSL-list
> Subject: [xsl] empty string parsed as float?
> I have a schema which defines an element with type float (or 
> anything other
> than string for that matter).
> The xml file validated has the element, but it's empty.
> So the parser tells me it can't parse the value '' as a float.
> When I wrote the schema I thought that if you leave the 
> element empty, it
> would pass validation, and if you don't leave it empty, it 
> MUST be a float
> to pass validation.
> I don't want the element to have the type string or token, I 
> want float. But
> I want it to not give an error if the element is empty.
> Is this possible? In that case how?
> /Gabriel

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