Re: [xsl] Saxon for windows?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Saxon for windows?
From: "M. David Peterson" <m.david.x2x2x@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 11:42:59 -0600
Hey Michael,

It seems Web Service architecture is one of several areas of XSLT 2.0
application development that lacks content...  I'm guessing that any
content that does exist on this topic is probably stored away in your
brain as I havent really found anything else on the web or in print
that even comes close to acting as a guidance tool in architecting
such a web service, giving consideration to all the good, bad, and
ugly such a task would invoke

Any chance that this might be a consideration as a new chapter in the
4th edition of your XSLT title?  While I plan to buy the first copy I
can find if such a title is to come into existence a chapter like this
would find me buying two just as an extra way of saying thanks as such
a chapter would be a GIGANTIC help in future application design and

Cheers :)

On 6/4/05, Michael Kay <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > More than inefficient, it would be dangerous to run an XSLT
> > processor as
> > part of a *generally available* web service (I can only smile
> > envisioning
> > the kinds of creative DOS attacks that would be possible).
> >
> > Please explain how that would happen when the input is being
> > validated?
> Many people overlook the issue of extension functions. At one stage the W3C
> was running an XSLT transformation service on its web site where you could
> submit an arbitrary XSLT stylesheet and source document to be transformed.
> It was easy to establish (using system-property) that it was running xt,
> was then easy to write a stylesheet that gave me a complete directory
> listing of the W3C web site by calling methods in the standard Java
> I could then have gone on to modify any file that the servlet code had
> access to.
> Saxon, and I imagine other good XSLT processors, has an option to disable
> extension functions so that it's safe to run untrusted stylesheet code.
> However, I think many people overlook this potential security weakness. And
> of course, there are cases where you need extension functions, which means
> you have to make sure the stylesheet code is trusted.
> Michael Kay


M. David Peterson

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