Re: [xsl] function-available() problem while using Saxon

Subject: Re: [xsl] function-available() problem while using Saxon
From: Arian Hojat <arianhojat2000@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 12:17:38 -0700 (PDT)
I should mention I use Saxon 8.3 and it has that
function it seems in the local documentation.

--- Arian Hojat <arianhojat2000@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hello all,
> One last question for the day hopefully.
> I deciding since I might be using FOP(which uses
> Xalan) and at some points be using Saxon to see
> whats
> wrong in my .fo output, that I would see which
> extension function is available and use it
> accordingly.
> Xalan checks to see if saxon:evaluate-node is
> available 1st and fails. Then dyn:evaluate is
> available and correctly used.
> In Saxon, it checks to see if saxon:evaluate-node is
> available and FAILS?, then I believe tries to USE
> dyn:evaluate and errors? It shouldn't even get to
> the
> point of using dyn:evaluate since it isn't available
> right? (i am prob doing something very wrong). I
> should mention I do put saxon: and dyn: namespaces
> in
> the top of the xsl I am using, so thats not the
> problem.
> XP0003: XPath syntax error at char 18 on line 200 in
> {dyn:evaluate($exp)}:
>   Cannot find a matching 1-argument function named
> {}evaluate()
> ###part that selects what function to use
> <xsl:choose>
>   <xsl:when
> select="document(@href)/Document">
> <xsl:apply-templates
> select="saxon:evaluate-node($exp)"/>
> </xsl:for-each></xsl:when>
>   <xsl:when
> select="document(@href)/Document">
> <xsl:apply-templates select="dyn:evaluate($exp)"/>
> </xsl:for-each></xsl:when>
>   <xsl:otherwise><xsl:message>EXSLT:EVALUATE() OR
> PROCESSOR</xsl:message></xsl:otherwise>
> </xsl:choose>
> Thanx again to the xsl list and Michael Kay
> Unrelated Note if someone notices I could use a
> simpler template for Saxon: I dont use that simple
> template like below because if Xalan is being used,
> it
> will not like the 'function call as a step in the
> xpath' as it parses beforehand, so i keep it as is.
> <xsl:apply-templates
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