Re: [xsl] Rendering dynamic images with FOP

Subject: Re: [xsl] Rendering dynamic images with FOP
From: Peter Gerstbach <peter.gerstbach@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 09:57:34 +0200
amita rathore wrote:
I have to insert a dynamically created image in a pdf,
I am using FOP.

I could insert it using a servlet, but due to some
reason I cannot use a servlet.

Is there any other way with which I can insert the
dynamically created image in pdf.

How do you create the image? Is this component already implemented? You can try to use SVG. FOP can render SVG with Batik's help.

Currently, I think, FOP does not provide a way of using an URIResolver as it is possible with XSLT. But it should be possible to modify FOP this way.


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