RE: AW: [xsl] java xslt (saxon) + php?

Subject: RE: AW: [xsl] java xslt (saxon) + php?
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 08:38:27 +0100
> > I'm currently working on a PHP5 project which incorporates 
> Saxon-B 8.0 
> > as it's XSLT 2.0 processor. shell_exec works fine for me - 
> I  just had 
> > to redirect stderr to stdout to be able to catch the error messages 
> > with PHP. You will also have to use an absolute path for 
> your calls to 
> > Saxon to avoid classpath (or "whatever"-path :) issues.
> Thanks.  Yeah, he has it working.  But if you do that, what about JVM 
> startup, caching, etc.?  We were just concerned about performance in 
> other words.

I don't know PHP, but an approach that avoids the startup overhead and
allows stylesheet caching would be to run Saxon from a servlet (say under
tomcat) and invoke it from PHP by issuing an HTTP request (with suitable
parameters) and reading the response.

Michael Kay

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