Re: [xsl] Summing Time Durations Help

Subject: Re: [xsl] Summing Time Durations Help
From: Colin Paul Adams <colin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 05 Oct 2005 09:41:22 +0100
>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Kay <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Michael> Colin, you're right, on the assumption that there's no
    Michael> schema and that the transformation isn't schema-aware.

I meant to add that bit (leaving you to say what follows, since I
wasn't quite sure of the syntax, never having used schema-aware), but
by the time I'd added all the rest of the message, I forgot.

    Michael> there's a schema that describes these elements as being
    Michael> of type xdt:dayTimeDuration, and if you use a
    Michael> schema-aware processor, then you can just sum them
    Michael> directly: sum(tduration).

Incidentally, I assume to get the example I posted to work with saxon,
changing 2005 to 2004/04 in the namespace will do the trick?

Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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