[xsl] Multilanguage help

Subject: [xsl] Multilanguage help
From: "Guillem Rico" <grico@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 18:16:14 +0100
Hi, I'm trying  to do a Multilanguage XSL, but I don't know how...

I have a XML file (with data), and the XML is Ok translated, So I only need
to transalte Fields of tables placed into XSL...

I think I could store the translations maybe in another XML, but I dont
know how to call the another XSL into an XSL (if I could), or wich is the
best way to do it

I don't know what to do...any ideas??

Im a XSL begginner, please if you could send some examples






<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="90%"align="center">

<xsl:variable name="serv" select="/PICA/DATA/REGISTRE/Servicio" />

<tr><td align='right'><ahref="../datos/fr.html?serv={$serv}?t=t">Todos  </a>

<a href="../datos/fr.html?serv={$serv}?t=2">Quirzrgicos  </a>

<a href="../datos/fr.html?serv={$serv}?t=1">Midicos</a></td></tr>


<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="90%"align="center">


                        <td class="inici"> Grd                         </td>

                        <td class="inici">CDM                          </td>

                        <td class="inici" width="3%">T     </td>

                        <td class="inici">Descripcion       </td>

                        <td class="inici">N

                        <td class="inici">PNh

                        <td class="inici">PNstd

                        <td class="inici">Nobs-Nesp              </td>

                        <td class="inici">Peso
</td>       </tr>

      <xsl:for-each select="PICA/DATA/REGISTRE">

      <xsl:sort data-type="number" select="N" order="descending" />



      <xsl:when test="position() &lt; '20'">






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