Re: [xsl] Is letting the browser transform XML to XHTML using XSLT a good choice?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Is letting the browser transform XML to XHTML using XSLT a good choice?
From: "M. David Peterson" <m.david@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2006 22:36:46 -0700
:D Thanks for you comments Didier :)

Actually, a lot of the folks in here are so far past these levels, a lot of them have simply settled down nicely into what works well for them. I know a lot of the folks in here would swear blindly this not to be true, but the reality is that I have a tendency to be a bit less settled than the rest of the group [laughtrack commences] :D

Setting aside my career in list-server stand-up : I do stand behind all of my belief's. I just recognize that most of these folks have good reasons to stay in a well deserved comfort zone they have worked hard to achieve. Fortunately, theres enough room to establish several different viewpoints, and when given proper context, they can all be right for whatever the proper context might be.

One thing I firmly stand behind is that XSLT is EXTREMELY well positioned to serve the growing and expanding needs of being able to move from one format to another with ease. I think Dr. Kay has at least three different papers that I can think of off the top of my head that speak directly to this from the standpoint of both a centralized and decentralized messaging standpoint that can easily move from one format to another. And when you get down to the bare metal, thats all that we're really doing -- slingin' XML from one node to the next. The easier we can make it to map message formats one to another, the more of an integrated part of the XML future XSLT will become. But these are not my ideas -- just paraphrasing a lot of Dr. Kay, but also a lot of what I have sat and listened to from some pretty amazing folks that still to do this day contribute day in and day out to this list... So all due credit for any ;ideas; nust be returned back to this list -- a true breeding ground of revolutionists :D

Didier PH Martin wrote:

Hello David,

Thanks god finally some new blood and a more modern point of view. Again,
thanks. It seems that several of us where a bit too comfortable with a new
incarnation of the mainframe (server centric model). I found your point of
view refreshing and more up to date to the actual reality. Keep going...

Didier PH Martin

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