Re: [xsl] Confused about entities

Subject: Re: [xsl] Confused about entities
From: "Gary Stewart" <the.stewarg@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 14:56:39 +0000
On 14/03/06, andrew welch <andrew.j.welch@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> If you are outtputting as XML where are the &nbsp;'s coming from?
> Are you writing them out manually in the stylesheet - as is in &amp;nbsp;?

Nope but thanks for the clue. The *input* is double escaped (I must
stop trusting a browser when viewing the output). That is I've
actually got &amp;nbsp; as the input which explains why there is no
conversion going on. Later on in a different transform I do a
saxon:parse which then obviously can't find the reference to a &nbsp;
and therefore throws an exception.

I probably can't use saxon:character-representation="native;hex" as
the entity is double escaped. I can't use <xsl:output-character /> as
&amp;nbsp; is obviously more than one character. So...

I'll have a go at it now. The most obvious way might just be to
expression match the characters and change them or to attempt to parse
the input and change it. I'll experiment for now unless anyone has
some good ideas.

Thanks for the help,


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