Re: [xsl] msxml and removing parameters from a cached processor

Subject: Re: [xsl] msxml and removing parameters from a cached processor
From: Robert Koberg <rob@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 13:19:22 -0500
Antsnio Mota wrote:
hmmm, don't remember if i allways pass the parameter or not.... I'll
test your situation using Sarissa when i'm back to my office, perhaps

Whto do you mean with

 I haven't tried using Sarissa. I don't think it can write a full
page into a iframe/frame??

Sarissa is just Javascript, if you can do it wuth Javascript you can do ir with Sarissa...

OK - you are correct. I guess you can just get the string from a serialization and use document.write to the window.


On 23/03/06, Robert Koberg <rob@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Antsnio Mota wrote:
That's strange, i've never noticed that problem... Did you try the
equivalente operation in Firefox? And using the cross-browser library
Sarissa? (that's what i use)...

It works in firefox because the processor object has a clearParameters
method. I haven't tried using Sarissa. I don't think it can write a full
page into a iframe/frame??

I just took a look through Sarissa's source to see how it is handled
there. I don't see anything that removes/resets a cached processor's
parameters (I am probably wrong).

Are you using xsl:params with default values or sometimes not passing
params? In other words, if you do a transform with a cached processor
where the first time you pass param 'foo=bar' and then in the next
transform you do not send the param 'foo' you will still get the param
'foo=bar'. Maybe I am just missing how Manos does it?


On 23/03/06, Robert Koberg <rob@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Is there some way to remove parameters from a cached
'new ActiveXObject( 'Msxml2.XSLTemplate.3.0' )' XSL processor in JavaScript?

I see there is a reset method on the processor object, but the docs say
that the method resets it to the state prior to the transform. But the
params were set prior to the transform and in fact the rest method does
not remove them.

I currently send a param array to a transformation function. I loop
through it to add params -> then transform -> then loop through to set
all the params to an empty string. This is not good mainly because there
might be default parameter values in the XSL. I could walk the XSL's DOM
to find the default param values, but it seems like overkill and thought
I would ask if I am missing something.


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