Hi Folks,
I am trying to look up a country code in a list of supported currencies,
with a default to US if it is not found. I am using the XSLT 1.0 idiom of
nodeset1[condition] | nodeset2[not(condition)]
for a mutually exclusive result, however for the life of me I can't seem
to find a suitable condition - I probably just need a figurative whack
on the side of the head to help me "think different" (or should that be
"differently?"). I have tried several different variations of the
following with no luck, though I am probably just overlooking something
really obvious:
<xsl:variable name="currency"
select="$currency-data//currency[@code=$country-code and @code != 'US']
| $currency-data//currency[not(@code=$country-code and @code != 'US')]" />
Nothing seems to work no matter how I arrange that - the US currency is
always unioned into the set. I'm sure that's the wrong condition to use,
and there is something relatively simple I can add, but I'm just not
seeing it.
Does anyone have any suggestions, or perhaps a nerf mallet?
Thanks in advance
Duncan Anker
Server 101, Web Hosting & E-Commerce