Re: [xsl] A beef with XSLT Sometimes too complicated

Subject: Re: [xsl] A beef with XSLT Sometimes too complicated
From: Colin Paul Adams <colin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 14 Jul 2006 12:06:54 +0100
>>>>> "Nic" == Nic James Ferrier <nferrier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Nic> David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
    >>> Is there a cleaner / simpler way to do this?  Any chance you
    >>> can do this in one line?
    >>  In xslt2:
    >> <xsl:variable name="bg_img"
    >> select="if(normalize-space($all_vars)) then 'background_bright'
    >> else 'background_faded'"/>

    Nic> I hate the idea of 2 'if's in a language.

    Nic> IMHO that makes it even more complicated.

There aren't two if's in the language - there is one in XPath, and one
in XSLT - different languages.

It's the same sort of thing as using SQL from within an OO language -
you can get name clashes.

In principle, you could use XSLT with a different expression language
from XPath - this just happens to be non-conformant.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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