Re: [xsl] Recursive entity reference "%ISOamsa" error

Subject: Re: [xsl] Recursive entity reference "%ISOamsa" error
From: Wendell Piez <wapiez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 15:27:57 -0400

If you really have stress-tested this to the point where you have well-formed input with no DTD at all (that is, no DOCTYPE declaration, no internal subset no nothing) and you're still getting the error, that indicates something else is either introducing a DTD (check your environment), or that some other document somewhere (perhaps even your stylesheet) is calling in a DTD with the ISOamca file with that erroneous call to itself. Check carefully for any evidence of DOCTYPE declarations in all modules or of any DTDs in your setup.

At 02:41 PM 7/14/2006, you wrote:
I tried removing the DOCTYPE declaration from my XML document, with
the same result. So now I'm baffled. If my XSLT processor is
complaining because it can't parse my document with its entity
references -- but there *are* not entity references -- then something
else must be going on.

Exactly. As usual it's a problem of finding the boundary between where the error appears and where it doesn't.

Trying a parser (on both document and stylesheet) outside your XSLT setup could also be helpful.


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