Re: [xsl] matching attribute values that are in range

Subject: Re: [xsl] matching attribute values that are in range
From: "andrew welch" <andrew.j.welch@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 12:30:48 +0100
On 7/19/06, Jeff Sese <jsese@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks andrew and florent this helped a lot. What i used was:

document('source2.xml')/entry[@id=current()/@id and
@type=current()/@type and (@n=current()/@n or @n[matches(.,'-') and
number(substring-before(.,'-')) &lt;= current()/@n and
number(substring-after(.,'-')) >= cunrrent()/@n])]

Was obfuscation part of the requirements? :-)

Seriously, you could do with a few variables in there...

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